Formation Strength Tests Profiles and Definitions Formation strength tests (FST’s – sometimes referred to as…
Formation strength testing Limit or leak-off tests in development wells may be omitted if no…
Formation Strength Tests Calculations This article presents the following Formation Strength Tests Calculations: – Formation…
Mud and Data Logging Mud and data logging comprise two distinct but complementary operations which…
Cuttings Sampling And Lithology Description Accurate cuttings descriptions are essential for the following 3 reasons:…
EvaluationMud/ Data LoggingTechnical
Mud Logging – Cutting sampling and description requirements
by adminby adminMud Logging – Cutting sampling and description requirements This article describes the main geological services:…
Mud Logging General Guidelines A fully equipped computerised mud logging unit shall be available for…
Mud Logging – Parameters Monitoring All the parameters specified in the contract scope of services…