Casing Thread Compounds Friction Factors This article present friction factors for typical Casing Thread Compounds.…
Example Casing Centralisers Programme Centraliser spacing and float equipment for Vertical wells: Hole Size,…
Stuck Casing – Remedial Action In the event the casing string becomes stuck and all…
Casing and Liner Operations Planning The following planning guidelines shall be adhered to: The casing…
Casing OperationsPlanningTechnical
Hole Conditioning before Running Casing or Liner
by adminby adminHole Conditioning before Running Casing or Liner The hole conditioning guidelines described in this article…
Liner Lap Testing – Inflow Testing After running the liner, the liner lap shall be…
Casing OperationsPlanningTechnical
Casing and Liner Running Preparation Guidelines.
by adminby adminCasing and Liner Running Preparation Guidelines. Preparation for Running Casing and Liner: 1. ENSURE that…
Casing Centralisation The centralisation of casing and liners as well as the correct positioning of…