Example 4.1/2in Liner Cementing Procedure 1. RIH 4 ½” liner to shoe depth (Top of…
CasingCasing OperationsMiscellaneousTechnical
Running Casing with Weatherford Overdrive system – Best Practices
by adminby adminRunning Casing with Weatherford Overdrive system – Best Practices Rig up checklist Rig down the…
Minimising Casing Wear General guidelines to minimise casing wear include: limiting build up rates deepening…
Monitoring Casing Wear Ditch Magnets The metal worn away from the casing and tooljoint is…
Casing wear and solutions Casing wear is very important as it effects the system integrity.…
CasingCasing OperationsLinerTechnical
Tie-Back Packers – PBR Clean Out and Packer Setting
by adminby adminTie-Back Packers – PBR Clean Out and Packer Setting The following procedure should be used…
Liner running Operations – Best Practices 4.5″ Liner Running Checklist Pre-job planning meeting with all…