Completion equipment checklist This article describes the following checklist for completion equipments: 1. Completion Equipment…
Completion Preparation Completion Engineer to organise pre-job planning meeting at the rig site, with rig…
Coring Preparation Checklist/ Best Practices Operations Engineer to organise pre-job planning meeting at the rig…
Tripping Operations – Best Practices 1. Preparation The Drilling Supervisor shall approve and provide written…
Perforation Checklist All radio transmitters turned off ? Radioroom locked and key held by Drilling…
Casing running checklist Wear Bushing retrieved Pre-job safety brief held with all parties Back up…
Down Hole Gauges – Checklist The following checks should be performed before running Downhole gauges:…
Sidetracking Best Practices Analyse logging and survey data from original hole Select base of higher…
Drilling Programme – checklist General Information File name and location Well Name Classification Country Concession…
Checklist wireline packer running operations Do you need an electrician? Somebody must shut off th…