Monitoring Casing Condition Once a casing string has been successfully cemented in place and tested,…
Preparation for Running Casing Preparation of casing before running serves two purposes. 1. ensure that…
Pressure loads (burst and collapse) The burst and collapse loads are calculated by taking the…
Steam well The design of steam wells is complicated by the fact that the axial…
Load bearing capacity It should be noted that the strengths require down rating to account…
Squeezing salt well When a hole is drilled through a salt formation, and subsequently casing…
Influence of wear on casing strength The burst, collapse and axial strengths of casing are…
Gas-lift well Casing designs for wells in which gas-lift completions are to be installed are…
Casing DesignCorrosion Wear FatigueTechnical
Influence of fatigue on casing strength
by adminby adminInfluence of fatigue on casing strength Casing failure can have various causes. Casing may fail…